
Valentine's Day Bouquet


"Experience Love in Bloom" by Viva Voce

Overflowing with the season's most beautiful blooms and lovingly hand-picked and arranged by the exquisite floral designer of Viva Voce. Soft pinks, whites, and pastels create a dreamy palette.

Presentation Options:

  1. Wrapped: ($85) Embrace the natural beauty of the blooms with simple kraft paper wrapping, highlighting their delicate charm and elegance.
  2. In Vase: ($105) Opt for the convenience of a vase arrangement, carefully packaged in a box for safe delivery. Enjoy the instant beauty of your bouquet, ready to grace any space with its captivating presence.

*PLEASE NOTE: While this photo showcases overall style and size, nature's bounty varies throughout the year, so we may use equally stunning alternatives to ensure freshness.

 Available for in-store pick-up on February 13th or 14th at Shop Biography in Lake Oswego. You will be notified once your bouquet arrives at the shop. Limited availably.

**Orders close February 12th or while supplies last. 

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